Can I learn web development without learning C++?


Yes, in fact, you'll find that C++ is hardly ever used in web development.

Front-end code involves HTML and CSS and usually JavaScript or TypeScript. With the advent of WebAssembly, I'm sure we'll be seeing other languages in future front-end code, but I can't picture C++, of all things, finding a niche there.

Back-end services can be written in pretty much any language, but the most popular ones, at least in enterprise environments, are probably still Java and C#. PHP and server-side JavaScript are also quite relevant. C++ could be used, but I'd consider it an unusual choice that could make sense under special circumstances, such as when you need to integrate with existing C++ library and service code.

For the things you usually do in backend code, such as interacting with databases using ORM and entity frameworks, and communicating with other services via REST, SOAP and other interfaces, C++ doesn't come equipped with the best tools for the job.

C++ is certainly not a requirement to be successful in web development.

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